Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I'm currently writing from the Denver International Airport. I think it's pretty fabulous that they have free wireless. The marketing degree [I get to say that now!] in me is very impressed with this airport. The best thus far have been the free wireless [with 30 second verizon commercial] and visually appealing security trays [thanks to]. Again, very impressive.

I've spent the last 6 days in Copper Mountain preparing for a year abroad. There is so much to learn about being a missionary overseas... loving the Lord, loving my team, launching movements, and learning a new world. These 4 L's will basically define the next 12 months of my life. There are many things to appreciate about Campus Crusade, one of which is their passion for setting us up well. I love how invested they are in our ministry.

3 1/2 weeks from now, my team will be flying to Florence. If you had 3 1/2 weeks left in America what would you make sure to do? I'm planning on figuring out how to get the airlines to allow me at least 23 bags.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

If I had 3 and a half weeks left in America I would hang out with my friend Cindy. :) I can't believe you only have three weeks left. Time went way too fast.