Saturday, November 1, 2008

saturday with sarah.

okay. so potentially the grandest moment of 'florence in the fall' just happened. and i mean JUST. this little post... well, it's coming at you live... if you will.

if you have ever lived anywhere near stillwater then i know you are familiar with aspen coffee. and if you are familiar with aspen coffee then i know you heart chai. and if you heart aspen chai, we are probably bff.

well, even here in italy, people are bonding over this delicious beverage. on more than one occasion i have found myself in an 'aspen' conversation.

but today my friends, today, all this talk became reality... thanks to a dear friend... sarah. i may or may not have been leaping round her kitchen. no big deal.

apparently, you can partake via big train brand. and i kid you not, it IS aspen chai. aka, the love of my life.
so here's to you aspen- from europe- i salute you.


Unknown said...

don't know why i'm just now reading this post...but what is all this talk about apen chai = the love of your life?!!

however, i am a bit jealous.

i heart aspen chai too!!

Travelers said...

hey Melody!You may not know me but I am Tessa's little sister.I am studying in Florence this semester. I was just curious what church you go to here, and I was curious about the program you are working with. You should shoot me an email if you have time. My email is