Thursday, February 12, 2009

adventures on the bus.

i admit it. i am a bus sleeper.

when left alone on a public bus, it's basically inevitable that i will doze off. usually, i am accompanied by roommates, but there is the rare occasion that i find myself alone on a bus.

today was such a day.

i don't know what it is- perhaps a combo of many things. the soothing melodies coming from my ipod, the awkwardness of not knowing what to do with my eyes, the slight nausea that comes from a reckless bus driver, and perhaps a little bit of boredom/exhaustion... all these things [and quite possibly more] lead me to one end. sleep.

i never have a problem with waking up. sometimes i wake up at the end of the line [which luckily has always been where i needed to go] or somewhere in between my initial mount and place of arrival.

not so today my friends.

let's just say, from here on out i will be propping my eyelids open with toothpicks when going solo. the long walks back home just aren't worth it.


Abigail said...

its not so much the long walks back home that concern me about your bus sleeping.
but i wont include the list of things that could happen to an unsupervised bus sleeper here in this comment...i would hate for parents or concerned friends to read the endless possibilites of what could befall you when sleeping on a public italian bus...

marie said...

I am here to remind you of the "safety kids" rules and tapes. I thank God for His hedge of protection, and host of guardian angels. Safety kid, always be a safety kid!
I love you, Mom
P.S. Don't give me more gray hairs!

Unknown said...

oh mel! where did you walk from?

Melody said...

em: it wasn't too far... maybe 3 or 4 stops from san marco- down the 20 bus route. i did discover a few new landmarks as i never walk away from the center.

mom: i promise to be a safety kid. always.

Deedee said...

I have been waiting with bated breath to know what happened. So you walked home? wow!! Praying for you!!

marie said...

I like that promise Melody. Always! I love you! Mom