Saturday, July 25, 2009

music to my soul.

so i don't usually listen to christian music. at least in america anyway. music is one of my favorite pieces of life. i love so many different kinds, but i rarely find my radio tuned to the local christian station. until today that is.

driving in the car, i was absolutely blessed by the Lord. there are three songs that i believe He has used to call me back to italy. no lie, i heard all three back to back to back. absolutely fantastic.

walk by faith.
god of this city.
mighty to save.

thank you Father. i needed that.

1 comment:

marie said...

Amen! I thank God with you. I can't tell you the number of times He has helped me too, through Christian music. It helps my overall outlook to stay positive to hear Christian music throughout my day, and I know helps keep me from feeling gloomy and discouraged. In this world, we need all the help we can get to stay focused on God and encouraged!